Me in my tuxedo
Outside the Hollywood Athletic Club
Watching Oscars (LoTR:TTT just won for Best
Visual Effects - Alex Funke, whose Oscar for this I held a few hours
later, is on the left)
John Rhys-Davies
As close as girls would let me get to Dom
Sean Astin arrives
Sean is about to head upstairs to the VIP
room, but right now it's our time. It's our time down here.
Craig Parker waves goodbye after giving me
his best New Zealand impression of an Australian accent (yes, he made
fun of MY accent!)
Andy Serkis with his precious
Michael Hopkins with his Best Sound Editing
Bruce Hopkins trying to blend in
Cast and crew onstage
Me, the lovely Diaz sisters and friends
Me and Alan Lee (and stranger)
Alex Funke's Oscar which was about to hold