Permission to Linkblog

Jason Clarke points out that Scoble's linkblog is a great idea but it's broken in that the full content of the entries he references is not included in the linkblog.

I remember when Scoble started his linkblog, he did include full content but I recall he got in to some trouble with some people that didn't like their content being reproduced in full.

The problem is that, like Scoble, I have a strong preference for blogs with full content feeds. The fact I have a titles-only feed for my own blog is a historical artifact of a time where the aggregator I was reading downloaded the link if the feed entry had no content.

Jason subsequently talks about giving Scoble permission to reproduce content. Well, Scoble, feel free to include the full content of my entries when you linkblog them.

As Jason points out, it would be nice if, rather than Scoble having to track the permissions, each entry included them in a machine readable form (i.e. a CC URI). "Blog this" features in aggregators could easily make use of this to default whether to include the content or not in linkblogs.

UPDATE (2004-11-26): Scoble has announced he's going back to full text link blogging. I, for one, am glad!