New Mic, New Song

A couple of days ago, Nelson received the Rode NT-1A microphone he had earlier ordered. Today was the first opportunity we had to record with it.

We spent most of the afternoon recording Noise which was the song we performed on television a few weeks ago. I got Nelson to record multiple takes with differing tonal qualities and when mixed together subtly, it proved to be very effective. We managed to get some great vocal harmonies tracked too and using a gentler, breathier tone in the harmonies worked very well against the main vocal line.

In the last hour of our session, we laid down the initial tracks of a song Star in Vegas we wrote many months ago (on opposite sides of the globe) but had never recorded. Besides using the new mic, it was the first time we'd recorded Nelson's electro-acoustic guitar. We did the entire song in two single-take passes. The first was me on keyboard bass and Nelson on electro-acoustic guitar (DIed straight into the Digi002). Second was me improvising a simple piano line while Nelson sang.

A few mistakes (especially in my piano improv) but the overall recording had a magical quality that I'm too scared to try to mess with. So I'm going have to be very careful with re-recording the problem areas and keep corrections to a minimum. Nothing beats the magic you get in a first take.

All I did to the vocals was added a simple 'verb. I hardly think it needs anything else. I doubt I'll EQ it. The Rode is a beautiful sounding mic—perfect for Nelson's voice.