Setting Up Tiger

Not much blogging lately. Tiger arrived on Monday and I got it installed Tuesday evening. I haven't transferred any of my data back yet, although I've downloaded subversion binaries and SubEthaEdit ready to work on Leonardo.

Spotlight and the Dashboard have already been great time savers. I haven't tried Automator yet. The feed-reading capabilities of Safari RSS are actually better than I thought they'd be. I could even see reading a particular class of feeds there rather than in NetNewsWire.

Smart folders in Address Book mean I can fake tags by putting text like @filmmaker in the notes on a person and then creating a smart folder for cards whose notes contain @filmmaker. The birthday field integrated with iCal is very cool.

I'm giving another chance. My 2 Gig+ of IMAP mail has pretty much been sync'ed. But without the ability to annotate mail, I can't fake tags with smart folders. Not sure I'll last on without something like that.