5 things

Dave Warnock has tagged me in this blogospherical equivalent of a chain-letter.

Ten years ago

Finishing up my linguistics degree at University of Western Australia. Working part-time there as their first webmaster. Conspiring to get SGML used on the Web.

Five years ago

Living in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Working at Bowstreet Software as Director of XML Technology. Going to conferences every couple of weeks to talk on XML and Web Services.

One year ago

Living back in Perth, but working for mValent in Boston. Working on the editing and scoring for my first short film, Alibi Phone Network. Resumed work on my morphological database of the Greek New Testament, MorphGNT and was in the midst of a major rewrite of Leonardo (release as 0.4)

Five yummy things

Kaju katli, good sushi, anything at Tu Y Yo (Somerville, Mass.), anything cooked by HB, anything cooked by my Mum.

Five songs I know by heart

Too many to name. Certainly anything by Nelson James :-)

Five things I would do with a lot of money

Relative to most of the rest of the world, I already do so I'd do what I'm already doing.

Five places I would escape to

A library, a film, a piano, HB's house, my parent's house.

Five things I would never wear

Wouldn't or shouldn't? :-)

Five favourite TV shows

Babylon 5, Seinfeld, ...

Five things I enjoy doing

Writing open source software, making films, producing records, teaching, learning

Favourite toys

My Macs, my Digi 002, my Canon 10D, my books (do they count as toys?)

Five people who get this 'meme'

Nelson, Graham, Rick, Anthony, Jenni