Milton Friedman

Milton Friedman has died at age 94.

While my sympathies are more with the Austrian School than the Chicago School, I found a lot in Friedman I agreed with and certainly a lot I respected. He probably did more than anyone else to educate the more general population about the benefits of free markets over Keynesian-style intervention.

That the use of the word 'liberal' is completely misused in the US is no more clear than in the obituaries I've read that talk about Friedman's opponents being 'liberals'. I can think of few people that better exemplified true liberalism than Friedman himself.

But although I learnt a lot about economics and economic policy from his writings, I think the thing I will always remember most about him is the loving relationship he seemed to have with his wife.

The original post was in the category: economics but I'm still in the process of migrating categories over.