Got My iPhone

Apple sure knows how to put on a show.

I headed down to the Apple store at the Burlington Mall around 4.30pm. Ended up being 100th in line. Some people had been in line since the morning (which turned out to be completely unnecessary).

Was around 6.20pm before I made it in the store. I was greeted by a handful of Apple Store employees who cheered and clapped me. They made each one of us who had been in line feel like a celebrity. All that was missing was the red carpet.

The on the way out, more cheers and clapping. To top it off, I was then interviewed by a local paper.

Some people thought I was crazy buying it today. The atmosphere made it all worth it.

Will report more once I've actually tried it out.

UPDATE (2007-07-06): The Lowell Sun has the story online. That's my hand, drink, and iPhone bag in the first photo :-)

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