Blogging By Day of the Week

A colleague of mine observed in his reading trends on Google Reader that he reads more blog entries on a Thursday than any other day. His hypothesis was that by Thursday he's bored of office work and other routine stuff and so is more likely to choose to read blogs rather than undertaking other activity.

I checked my own reading trends and, sure enough, I read, on average almost twice as many entries on Thursday than the second most common day. Saturday is the day I read the least number of entries. The thing is, unless I'm travelling or really swamped at work, I generally clear my queue of blogs to read daily. Which means the Thursday thing could be more indicative of when entries are posted than when I take the time to read them.

My colleague points out, his argument could equally apply to posting as well as reading.

So I did a quick three-line Python script to output which day of the week each blog post of mine was made on and a sort | uniq -c dance gave me the following results:

So my lowest reading day is my highest posting day and my highest reading day is my equal second lowest posting day.

I guess I don't blog when other people do :-)

The original post was in the category: blogging but I'm still in the process of migrating categories over.

The original post had 3 comments I'm in the process of migrating over.