Dr Horrible

Last week I kept seeing people twittering about a new episode of Dr Horrible. I had no idea what they were talking about and assumed it was some show on TV.

Then last Saturday I was on iTunes and saw mention of Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog featuring a picture of Neil Patrick Harris. I'm a huge NPH fanboy, so had to check it out.

It was then that I discovered it was a made-for-Web show from Joss Whedon consisting of three 13 minute episodes. Joss Whedon + NPH — it had to be good. So I bought the trio of episodes and watched them right away.

It's a huge amount of fun — the songs are catchy, the writing awesome, NPH and Nathan Fillion are both brilliant as, respectively, the wannabe evil mastermind and self-centered super hero. And Felicia Day is downright adorable as the ingenue.

This isn't your ordinary made-for-Web series. The production values are very high -- judging from the crew credits, this was shot like hour-long TV show.

After watching it a couple of times, I spent a few hours last Sunday doing a cover of the first song from Act III, the hilarious "So They Say". I've put up an instrumental (with vocal lines on synth) mp3: http://jtauber.com/2008/07/so_they_say_0_1.mp3

I'll probably do a bunch of the other songs too.

UPDATE: Main title version 0.1: http://jtauber.com/2008/07/main_title_0_1.mp3

UPDATE 2: By request, here's On the Rise version 0.1: http://jtauber.com/2008/07/on_the_rise_0_1.mp3 Enjoy!

UPDATE 3: Now see More Dr Horrible and Dr Horrible Ringtones

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