If we define true and false with the following combinators (in Python):
TRUE = lambda a: lambda b: (a) FALSE = lambda a: lambda b: (b)
then if-then-else can be implemented simply by applying a predicate to two arguments: the then/true case and the else/false case.
For example:
(TRUE)(True)(False) == True (FALSE)(True)(False) == False
Now if we define:
AND = lambda a: lambda b: (a)(b)(a) OR = lambda a: lambda b: (a)(a)(b) NOT = lambda a: lambda b: lambda c: (a)(c)(b)
we can do boolean logic with only reference to function application.
For example:
This is a little hard to verify in Python so we can use our if-then-else trick:
(AND)(TRUE)(FALSE)(True)(False) == False
Our definition of TRUE and FALSE is known as the Church encoding of the booleans.
We can also Church-encode a pair, or cons, and define car and cdr appropriately:
CONS = lambda a: lambda b: lambda c: (c)(a)(b) CAR = lambda a: (a)(TRUE) CDR = lambda a: (a)(FALSE)
If the definitions of CAR and CDR seem odd, note that the magic is really in CONS.
(CAR)((CONS)(1)(2)) == 1 (CDR)((CONS)(1)(2)) == 2
But this means CONS makes a nice way of deferring our (True)(False) trick to "unchurch" Church-encoded booleans into Python booleans:
Now we can say:
The natural numbers can also be Church-encoded:
ZERO = FALSE SUCC = lambda a: lambda b: lambda c: (b)((a)(b)(c))
We can then define:
and so on. Here's a little Python function for "churching" numbers:
def church_number(n): return SUCC(church_number(n - 1)) if n else FALSE
We can define addition, multiplication and exponentiation as follows:
PLUS = lambda a: lambda b: lambda c: lambda d: (a)(c)((b)(c)(d)) MULT = lambda a: lambda b: lambda c: (b)((a)(c)) EXP = lambda a: lambda b: (b)(a)
Of course, what would be nice is if we had an easy way to unchurch our Church-encoded numbers so we could see if these work. Well, it turns out that's easy to do:
UNCHURCH_NUMBER = lambda a: (a)(lambda b: b + 1)(0)
and so on.
The original post was in the categories: python combinatory_python but I'm still in the process of migrating categories over.
The original post had 14 comments I'm in the process of migrating over.