Rebasing MorphGNT off SBLGNT

Reposted from

The last three months, I've been working on rebasing the MorphGNT database off the SBLGNT text rather than the UBS3.

While I have had permission to work with the CCAT database for over a decade, the fact the UBS3 text can be extracted from it has always been problematic. The existence of the SBLGNT solves the problem of having a critical text with clear licensing and so, in October 2010, I started the process of moving the MorphGNT analysis to the SBLGNT text.

This task is mostly done and the work-in-progress is available on GitHub at

It was a three step process, done one book at a time.

I'm in the process of making a batch of corrections based on the third step and then I'll formally release what will be called MorphGNT 6.0 (although possibly as a beta such as 6.0b1).

The next step (which I've started in parallel) will merge in the Robinson analysis and parse codes on the road to a completely new set of parse codes for MorphGNT 7.0.

The original post was in the categories: python linguistics morphgnt new_testament_greek but I'm still in the process of migrating categories over.