In 1994, I became interested in SGML both from the perspective of corpus linguistics and Web publishing. My ideas on the latter led me to being invited in the first half of 1996 to join the W3C SGML WG that helped develop XML.
Over the next few years, I continued as an invited expert to the W3C, was an active contributor to the xml-dev mailing list and ran one of the most popular XML sites on the Web. I also ran introductory XML seminars both nationally and internationally.
In 1998 I began FOP, the first implementation of the XSL-FO specification. I later donated this to the Apache Software Foundation.
In 1999, I joined Bowstreet as their in-house XML "guru" and increased both my standards involvement and the number of speaking engagements I undertook.
Since 2002, I haven't been directly focused on XML standards.