Cutting Down on Blog Reading

I reached a peak of 272 blogs. It's a long way from Scoble, but it's too much for me. If I go just a few days without getting a chance to read blogs, I end up one to two thousand entries behind.

So I've started unsubscribing—at least to keep things to a steady-state 256 although I will likely drop further.

It's actually difficult to work out which blogs to drop. I need to be able to rate entries and from this derive a rating for the feed as a whole. But even this isn't quite right as there are some feeds that are very easy to skim and so my tolerance for a lower proportion of good entries is higher.

What really matters is the comparative effort I need to put into reading a particular feed given what I get out of it. Is yield the right term here?

Perhaps what I want is something that combines rating with monitoring of how much time I spend on the feed. Which leads back to attention.xml.