I've just read, Via Anthony Coates, that OASIS has approved the XML Catalog 1.1 spec (disclosure: I voted YES to it)
XML Catalogs are near and dear to my heart...
Back in 1995, I was thinking about how SGML could be used on the Web and decided that one thing that would be useful is resolution of SGML public identifiers. So I proposed an extension to the existing SGML Catalog spec (under SGML Open, which was the forerunner to OASIS) to make them operate more like DNS than /etc/hosts for name resolution. Paul Grosso invited me to present the idea to an SGML Open meeting in early 1996. It was there that I met Jon Bosak and we shared our common vision for SGML on the Web. Just a couple of months later, Jon emailed me to say he had convinced the W3C to let him start a WG to work on this and would I like to be involved.