Fire Someone Today

Even if you're not interested their products, Logos Bible Software is a fascinating company on a number of levels. From the look behind the scenes you get from their blog to their innovative community pricing model where the market votes on the product priorities and pricing before production even starts, Logos is an interesting company to watch and learn from.

So I was delighted last August to discover that founder and CEO, Bob Pritchett, was writing a book on practical advice for startups called Fire Someone Today. Bob kindly sent me a PDF draft and I loved it—entertaining but also honest and very insightful.

Well, the book is now available from Amazon and, in typical Bob Pritchett style, Logos is offering $20 credit on their online store for anyone who buys the book from Amazon by midnight tomorrow. A nice deal given the book costs less than $10.

Even if you have no interest whatsoever in Bible software, it's a book worth taking a look at if you're interested in startups and entrepreneurship.

The original post was in the categories: entrepreneurship books but I'm still in the process of migrating categories over.