A Short History of You Me Us We

Being in Australia only half the time (and now less) has made my five year musical collaboration with Nelson Clemente slow moving. We have an album full of songs that we'll eventually get out, but last year Nelson very wisely got himself a real producer and has been working on his solo career in earnest.

One of the songs on his debut EP is actually one of our joint ventures. It has a long history, starting off as a fairly up-beat piano-centric instrumental I wrote in 1993 for a girl called Lucy Orlowsky. The song was imaginatively called "For Lucy". Ostensibly it was to congratulate her on getting an A+ on an essay for Ancient History. Later on I renamed the piece "Ancient History" with the obvious double meaning.

When I first started collaborating with Nelson, he added some very moving lyrics, changed the melody and called it "You Me Us We". I slowed it down and rearranged it for just piano and strings. It was performed a few times, including once on community television.

Then, for his solo EP, Nelson wanted to include a version of You Me Us We that fit the electropop style of the other songs. So I worked with producer Rob Agostini on the version that is now available. The intimate piano work is gone but the up-beat catchiness of the original 90s arrangement is back. And people seem to like it.

HotStuffFiles says:

like totally one of the best pop songs this year...we fell madly in love with Nelson Clemente's 'You Me Us We'...It's the perfect blend of sparkly pop that will make you feel like the world isn't so bad after all.

ElectroQueer says:

Nelson Clemente's 'You Me Us We' is probably our favourite electropop song to be released this year and quite simply put, we can't stop listening to it.

To top it off, it is currently #1 on the ElectroQueer charts for the second week running, beating out Nelson's hero Darren Hayes.

Check out Nelson's Website.

The original post was in the categories: music_composition you_me_us_we but I'm still in the process of migrating categories over.

The original post had 1 comment I'm in the process of migrating over.