Quisition Hits 1000 Users

Yesterday, Quisition had it's 1,000th user registration, which was my target for this year. Admittedly, this was fairly easy to control because most of the new users come via Google Adwords and I could adjust the budget to keep things on track to hit 1,000 before year end.

Comparing the figures from the first 100 users:

I have a bunch of feature requests from regular users of the site and implementing those will now be my top priority. But I also want to explore why the percentages above are so low. I'm not surprised they are lower than those for the first 100 given most of the traffic now comes from Adwords rather than this blog. But it should be possible to get them higher than they currently are.

The original post was in the categories: quisition web_marketing but I'm still in the process of migrating categories over.

The original post had 4 comments I'm in the process of migrating over.