Post Length By Month

I made the comment in my Half Time Report that I think I've managed to stick to "posts no shorter than normal and no longer".

Alas the data don't match that.

Here's a graph of average post length (just len(page.content.split())) by month:

Clearly the posts this month are longer on average. And because I'm writing more of them, the last point of this next graph is no surprise.

This is a graph with post lengths totalled for each month:

And obviously this month has a fair bit to go. What's more interesting though is my first year of blogging saw growth in total words posted per month grow to a peak around 7500 in December 2004 and then a clear trend down to the trough in August 2006 when I posted just 3 short posts the whole month.

These graphs were done with IBM's Many Eyes simply because Apple Numbers fails miserably at charting anything but the smallest data sets.

The original post was in the categories: this_site blogging but I'm still in the process of migrating categories over.