Conference Time

I have four conferences coming up in the next eight weeks.

From 12th-14th February, I'll be attending Kiwi Foo Camp in New Zealand—one of those trips where the travel time is longer than the length of the conference :-)

The day after I get back, I'm off to Atlanta for PyCon. I'm involved in the Pinax tutorial at the start and will be staying all the way through the sprints where we hope to get lots of Pinax done!

Then March 10th-12th I'm in Montréal for ConFoo, the first conference I've been to in a while that's all expenses paid for speakers. I'll be giving a talk on, you guessed it, Pinax. Will be fun to introduce Pinax at a general Web conference.

I'll finish off the month in San Jose for BibleTech March 26th and 27th. I'll be giving two talks there, one on my graded reader project and one on using Pinax for collaborative corpus linguistics (partly talking about Pinax in general and partly talking about some early stage work I'm do specifically on corpus annotation tools in Pinax).

Hope to see many of you at at least one of them!

The original post was in the categories: travel morphgnt conferences speaking python language_learning pinax graded_reader pycon linguistics read_john new_testament_greek greek but I'm still in the process of migrating categories over.