2007 in Review

At the start of the year, I launched Quisition, my flashcard site. By the end of the year, I had reached my goal of 1,000 users. I've already added a bunch of new features in the new year with lots more to come.

One Friday evening in February, I conceived of, implemented and launched Cats or Dogs. It rapidly took off in the Python community and by PyCon two weeks later, I was being stopped in the hallways and asked if I was the "Cats or Dogs" guy.

Also at PyCon, I chaired a session, participated in the panel on web frameworks and volunteered to be the organizational admin for the Python Software Foundation's participation in the Google Summer of Code. As well as administering, I ended up mentoring two projects over the summer.

In April, I started playing Lord of the Rings Online. The last few months I've probably online averaged no more than an hour per week, but at the peak I was playing a lot. Although I never got around to blogging it, my main character reached level 50 (the current limit).

In May, I got an apartment in the US and said goodbye to long-term hotel stay.

One of my songs, You, Me, Us We had some success, coming in the top 20 in a songwriting content and later being named top song of 2007 by ElectroQueer.

In June, I bought an iPhone. I take it for granted now.

In July, I conceived, implemented and launched PotterPredictions which had a reasonable amount of success in its naturally short life (I still wish I'd thought of it earlier).

In terms of open source, it was a fairly slow year although I did make a lot of progress on django-atompub and pretty much finished support for the syndication format RFC.

I started work on yet another django-based website called habitualist that will hopefully have a closed beta in the next month or so.

In November, I bought a Mini Cooper S and resumed pre-production work on my first feature film.

Finally in December, just before leaving to the UK and Spain for the holidays, I received both an OLPC XO laptop and a 23andMe DNA test kit. More about those later!

They were the 2007 highlights from my blog. A number of other exciting things happened that didn't get blogged about at the time. mValent had a great year and an amazing last quarter; Ulrik Sanborg-Petersen and I made slow but significant progress on a number of MorphGNT projects, the fruits of which should be available soon; Facebook became, for me, both a great way of reconnecting with old friends and a promising platform for development. I made some progress on my PhD but not as much as I would have liked. I need to change that in 2008.

So all-in-all, it was a pretty awesome year. I'm expecting 2008 to be even better. Watch this space!

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